China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success
Quantum cryptography keys for secure communication distributed 1,000 kilometers farther than previous attempts
Key points…
+ The exchange of a secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages over a distance of 1,120 kilometers is reported in Nature this week. This achievement is made using entanglement-based quantum key distribution, a theoretically secure communication technique. Previous attempts to directly distribute quantum keys between two ground users under real-world conditions have reached distances of only around 100 kilometers.
+ Quantum communication uses photons to securely distribute a “secret key” to allow the exchange of encrypted messages. Previous work has demonstrated quantum key distribution along up to 404 kilometers of coiled optical fiber in a laboratory, or from a satellite to a ground station up to 1,200 kilometers away. However, real-world application between two users has been limited to around 100 kilometers. This is due to photon losses, which increase rapidly with distance. Trusted relays or “repeaters” offer a way to extend the distance and avoid photon loss, but the relay stations introduce security risks.
+ Although satellite-based entanglement distribution has been reported before, the authors have now increased their transmission efficiency and reduced error rates enough to use entanglement to transmit quantum keys. They show that the system produces a secure channel that is resistant to attacks.
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