Made in China 2025

“Made in China 2025” is China’s initiative to rein as world leader in technology — from telecommunications to artificial intelligence coupled with robots to quantum computing. A key accomplishment has been the over $10B put into their civilian-military quantum computing complex; this is aside from corporate mega-giants Huawei and Alibaba’s ‘commercial’ efforts. By comparison, the U.S. has a fledgling effort in its government “with a quantum-information-science subcommittee taking shape at the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and with a bill introduced in the House that would allocate $1.25 billion over the next five years…in the quantum field.” Granted the tally of dollar-for-dollar spending appears lopsided between the two nations. Not included in the tally is the U.S. commercial and academic sectors each having gaining stakes in quantum. 

This report is found here at National Review…

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