Quantum Information Storage via Magnetic Skyrmions and Spintronics

Understanding how electric current affects the magnetic skyrmion changes

Key points…

+  Matter behaves differently when it’s tiny. At the nanoscale, electric current cuts through mountains of particles, spinning them into vortexes that can be used intentionally in quantum computing. The particles arrange themselves into a topological map, but the lines blur as electrons merge into indistinguishable quasiparticles with shifting properties. The trick is learning how to control such changeable materials. For the first time, researchers have taken a microscopic look at this process.

Spintronics refer to theoretical electronics that rely not only on the charge state of a current, but also on the characteristics of electrons to transfer and store quantum information.

+  In certain conductive materials, such as Manganese Silicon (MnSi), the quasi particles can accumulate into a magnetic skyrmion with a vortex-like shape and motion. The skyrmion creates a lattice of connection points within the MnSi crystal. “Magnetic skyrmions

+  To understand how electric current affects the magnetic skyrmion changes under an electrical current, the researchers used a method called small-angle neutron scattering. They powered a neutron beam through a MnSi crystal, causing the skyrmion particles to

Source:  nanowerk news.  Tohoku University,  Understanding how electric current affects the magnetic skyrmion changes…

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