Optical Fiber Advancements and Opportunity in Quantum Information Processing

Optical Fiber Advancements and Opportunity in Quantum Information Processing

Thorough and informative study.  Recommend reading the piece and sinking your teeth into the comprehensive tables and charts.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit.

Quantum information processing with space-division multiplexing optical fibres

Abstract ~

+  The optical fibre is an essential tool for our communication infrastructure since it is the main transmission channel for optical communications. The latest major advance in optical fibre technology is space-division multiplexing, where new fibre designs and components establish multiple co-existing data channels based on light propagation over distinct transverse optical modes. Simultaneously, there have been many recent developments in the field of quantum information processing, with novel protocols and devices in areas such as computing and communication. Here, we review recent results in quantum information based on space-division multiplexing optical fibres, and discuss new possibilities based on this technology.

Excerpt ~

+ It is quite fortunate that the technological developments that are sustaining the growth of communication networks can be directly applied for quantum information technologies. This has been the case since the dawn of photonic quantum information, and will continue to be so. We have highlighted here the key developments in the nascent intersection of SDM and quantum information, with already many experiments having been able to directly benefit from SDM. We envisage that (i) integration between SDM networks and quantum information systems will be inevitable, and (ii) SDM offers the hardware to support efficient, high-fidelity, high-dimensional quantum information processing, which will be a major cornerstone of future developments in quantum technologies.

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Source:  Communications Physics.  Guilherme B Xavier, Gustavao Lima,  Quantum information processing with space-division multiplexing optical fibres…

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