10 Minute listen from NPR. It’s worth the listen if you’re a layperson and could use some “Quantum Mechanics for Beginners.” Use the “Source:” link, below, to take you to the audio and full article.  Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

Quantum Mechanics For Beginners

In brief…

+  Imagine building a better clock — with entangled atoms. Sound difficult? Not for Monika Schleier-Smith, associate professor of physics at Stanford University and 2020 MacArthur Fellow.

+  Schleier-Smith studies quantum mechanics, the theory that explains the nature of really small things: atoms, photons, and individual particles (e.g. electrons). Quantum mechanics is responsible for innovations in computers, telecommunications, and medicine. And those innovations often start in a lab.

+  Currently, the Schleier-Smith lab is venturing deeper into the quantum realm. They’re engineering systems to control interactions between particles that are long-ranged or non-local, which has implications for enabling new computational paradigms and building table-top simulations of quantum gravity.

Source:  NPR.  Emily Wong, Madeline K. Sofia, Brit Hanson, Vet e, Ariela Zebede,  Quantum Mechanics For Beginners…

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