Shadow: Majorana Fermion Controversy Calls Into Question Much About Science

MIT researchers have observed mysterious Majorana fermions in islands of gold. The discovery could lead to new family of robust qubits for quantum computing.
Quantum computing’s reproducibility crisis: Majorana fermions

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+  Much is at stake. Majorana particles are in theory their own antiparticles, and were predicted in 1937 by Italian physicist Ettore Majorana. Computer giant Microsoft hopes to use Majorana particles to build a reliable quantum computer: the particles should make for exceptionally stable quantum bits. The scientific excitement around them is on a par with gravitational waves and the Higgs boson.

The controversy over Majorana particles is eroding confidence in the field. More accountability and openness are needed — from authors, reviewers and journal editors.


+  Experimentally, researchers are at loggerheads over whether Majoranas have been detected at all, let alone whether they’re an asset for quantum computing. As scepticism of the claims creeps beyond the cognoscenti, the field is at risk of getting a bad reputation, despite its untapped promise.

+  The lesson: Majorana particles aren’t necessary to produce the current peak signals. At least since 2014, we have known of more-mundane explanations, such as other quantum states that are not Majoranas, accidental signals caused by imperfections in the nanowire, or fascinating but previously explored cooperative behaviour of numerous electrons (see ‘Mixed signals’).

+  Yet, affirmative papers kept coming out without even mentioning alternative explanations, creating the impression that a debate is raging between Majorana optimists and pessimists.

Source:  nature.  Sergey Frolov,  Quantum computing’s reproducibility crisis: Majorana fermions…

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