The Shorts | 7/30/21 | Science and Research in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of science and research. Mea Cubitt

Navigating the weird world of quantum mechanics | Quantum computing is up there with some of the newest emerging technologies. While still in its infancy, quantum researchers and leading industry players are working tirelessly to unlock its mind-boggling potential.  Source: siliconrepublic.   Navigating the weird world of quantum mechanics…

Optical quantum memory | Quantum memory is essential for the development of many devices in quantum information processing, including a synchronization tool that matches various processes within a quantum computer, an identity quantum gate that leaves any state unchanged, and a mechanism to convert heralded photons to on-demand photons. In addition to quantum computing, quantum memory will be instrumental for implementing long-distance quantum communication using quantum repeaters  Source: naturephotonics.   Optical quantum memory…

Heavy fermions with graphene useful for quantum technology | Two researchers have combined their knowledge of strongly correlated physics, with a focus on heavy fermions, and 2D van der Waals materials to propose a novel way of advancing radiation-free quantum technology using subtly modified graphene. Aline Ramires from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland and Jose Lado from Aalto University in Finland have shown a new pathway to engineer the fundamental phenomena of rare-earth compounds, known as heavy fermion superconductors, using just graphene.  Source: materialstoday.   Heavy fermions with graphene useful for quantum technology…

New combination of materials provides progress toward quantum computing | The future of quantum computing may depend on the further development and understanding of semiconductor materials known as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). These atomically thin materials develop unique and useful electrical, mechanical, and optical properties when they are manipulated by pressure, light, or temperature.  Source: Control Engineering.   New combination of materials provides progress toward quantum computing…

“Magic-angle” trilayer graphene may be a rare, magnet-proof superconductor | MIT physicists have observed signs of a rare type of superconductivity in a material called magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene. In a study appearing today in Nature, the researchers report that the material exhibits superconductivity at surprisingly high magnetic fields of up to 10 Tesla, which is three times higher than what the material is predicted to endure if it were a conventional superconductor.  Source: MIT News.   “Magic-angle” trilayer graphene may be a rare, magnet-proof superconductor…

Achilles heel of graphene exposed | The advantage of graphene is that it can be used at room temperature to calibrate a wide range of measuring devices, which is a boon for industrialists and research laboratories. But the Achilles heel of the graphene quantum Hall effect, and how to remedy it, had to be identified. A UCLouvain team has just achieved this thanks to a microscope that is unique in the world.  Source: nanowerk.   Achilles heel of graphene exposed…

IBM and CERN use quantum computing to hunt elusive Higgs boson | One hundred meters below the Franco-Swiss border sits the world’s largest machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), operated by the European laboratory for particle physics, CERN. And to better understand the mountains of data produced by such a colossal system, CERN’s scientists have been asking IBM’s quantum team for some assistance  Source: ZDNet.   IBM and CERN use quantum computing to hunt elusive Higgs boson…

“Magic-angle” trilayer graphene may be a rare, magnet-proof superconductor | MIT physicists have observed signs of a rare type of superconductivity in a material called magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene. In a study appearing today in Nature, the researchers report that the material exhibits superconductivity at surprisingly high magnetic fields of up to 10 Tesla, which is three times higher than what the material is predicted to endure if it were a conventional superconductor.  Source: MIT News.   “Magic-angle” trilayer graphene may be a rare, magnet-proof superconductor…

New quantum research gives insights into how quantum light can be mastered | A team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory propose that modulated quantum metasurfaces can control all properties of photonic qubits, a breakthrough that could impact the fields of quantum information, communications, sensing and imaging, as well as energy and momentum harvesting. The results of their study were released yesterday in the journal Physical Review Letters, published by the American Physical Society.  Source:   New quantum research gives insights into how quantum light can be mastered…


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