The Shorts | 8/6/21 | Science and Research in Quantum Computing

Einstein Hmmm

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of science and research. Mea Cubitt

Researchers create powerful quantum source with meta-lens array | (Nanowerk News) Researchers for the first time have demonstrated a quantum light source based on a meta-lens array. The approach offers a promising platform for both high-dimensional photon entanglement and the coherent control of multiple photons, making it suitable for advancing quantum technologies for secure communication, computing, and other applications.  Source: nano werk.   Researchers create powerful quantum source with meta-lens array…

What is entanglement in quantum physics? We’ll explain in under 5 minutes | Quantum computers, quantum cryptography, and quantum (insert name here) are often in the news these days. Articles about them inevitably refer to entanglement, a property of quantum physics that makes all these magical devices possible.  Source: TNW.   What is entanglement in quantum physics? We’ll explain in under 5 minutes…

Spin-sonics: Acoustic wave gets the electrons spinning | Researchers have detected the rolling movement of a nano-acoustic wave predicted by the famous physicist and Nobel prize winner Lord Rayleigh in 1885. This phenomenon can find applications in acoustic quantum technologies or in so-called “phononic” components, which are used to control the propagation of acoustic waves.  Source: PURDUE UNIVERSITY.   Spin-sonics: Acoustic wave gets the electrons spinning…

Exploring quantum systems that don’t find equilibrium | Some physical systems, especially in the quantum world, do not reach a stable equilibrium even after a long time. An ETH researcher has now found an elegant explanation for this phenomenon.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Exploring quantum systems that don’t find equilibrium…

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