South Korea’s SK Telecom and IDQ Develop Quantum Secure Virtual Private Network

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SK Telecom applies quantum cryptographic communication technology to IP equipment

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+  SK Telecom, a top mobile carrier in South Korea, opened the way for the wider use of its security solution by applying quantum cryptographic communication technology to corporate IP equipment such as routers and switches. Companies with no dedicated networks can use telecom security services using quantum cryptography.

“This link provides the foundation for more B2B customers to experience advanced quantum security.” SKT’s Innovation Suite head Ha Min-yong said in a statement on April 6. SKT would develop various methods that link QKD while upgrading QKD performance and reviewing various cryptographic methods to create a safe communication environment.


+  SK Telecom (SKT) and its subsidiary ID Quantique (IDQ), a Geneva-based leader in quantum-safe cryptography, have developed a quantum virtual private network (VPN) based on the quantum key distribution (QKD). VPN is a secured communications channel implemented over shared, public networks to connect remote users and machines to a private network. QKD is a secure communication method that implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics.

+  Quantum VPN technology combines IP equipment security technology and quantum encryption technology for enterprises, and it can be applied flexibly to various business-to-business (B2B) network structures and services, SKT said, adding it would contribute to popularizing quantum cryptographic communication technologies and improving security services for enterprises.

Source:  Aju Business Daily.  Lim Chang-won,  SK Telecom applies quantum cryptographic communication technology to IP equipment…

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