U.S. Naval Aviation Research Initiative Solicits Input for Quantum Technology

U.S. Navy Seal

Naval aviation asks industry for research in artificial intelligence (AI), cyber, and hypersonic technologies

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+  Artificial intelligence (AI), cyber warfare, quantum computing, hypersonics, electronic warfare (EW), avionics, and secure communications are only a few of the topics in a new U.S. naval aviation research initiative.

[One of the 17 research topics involved in this solicitation is] quantum, which involves secure communication and sensing capabilities, nitrogen vacancy diamond sensing, quantum encryption, and quantum computing;


+  Officials of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md., released an officewide research solicitation on Thursday (N00421-21-S-0001) for research topics that also include avionics, sensors and electronic warfare; aeromechanics; power and propulsion systems; systems engineering; data science and visualization; and warfare analysis.

+  The FY21 Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) Office-Wide Broad Agency Announcement will be open for one year, and involves whitepaper submissions and invitations for a select number of companies to submit formal proposals who previously offered promising white papers.

Source:  Military & Aerospace Electronics.  John Keller,  Naval aviation asks industry for research in artificial intelligence (AI), cyber, and hypersonic technologies…

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