QuantWare’s Transmon Qubits Just-in-Time or Just-in-Case?

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Informative report from John Timmer covering QuantWare’s step into commercializing quantum processors. But are they too late? Too small? Or just right? Recommend reading from the source, below. Because Quantum Is Coming. Qubit

Startup hopes the world is ready to buy quantum processors

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+  Rijlaarsdam told Ars that he expects the company to increase its qubit count by two- to four-fold each year for the next few years. That’s good progress, but it will still leave the company well behind the roadmap of competitors like IBM for the foreseeable future.

Rijlaarsdam told Ars that he expects the company to increase its qubit count by two- to four-fold each year for the next few years. That’s good progress, but it will still leave the company well behind the roadmap of competitors like IBM for the foreseeable future.


+  Rijlaarsdam also suggested that quantum computing will reach what he called “an inflection point” before 2025. Once this point is reached, quantum computers will regularly provide answers to problems that can’t be practically calculated using classical hardware. Once that point is reached, “the market will be a multibillion-dollar market,” Rijlaarsdam told Ars. “It will also grow rapidly, as the availability of large quantum computers will accelerate application development.”

+  The initial processor the company will be shipping contains only five transmon qubits. Although this is well below anything on offer via one of the cloud services, Rijlaarsdam told Ars that the fidelities of each qubit will be 99.9 percent, which should keep the error rate manageable. He argued that, for now, a low qubit count should be sufficient based on the types of customers QuantWare expects to attract.

Source:  ars technica.  John Timmer,  Startup hopes the world is ready to buy quantum processors…

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