Alibaba, QRNGs, and FinTech all for Cybersecurity

The quantum technology Alibaba has developed is now being put to the test for quantum encryption for financial transactions among its cloud users, including Ant Financial and Alipay. According to Leilei Huang, an infrastructure engineer and colleagues at Oxford, this quantum security work has been in production for over a year.

Finding a Way to Encode Quantum Coherence in Photon Pair Pulses

Observing quantum coherence from photons scattered in free-space Quantum Coherence Observed CAS. Each optical pulse from the laser is sent through a phase Converter, which creates two coherent pulses, while the multi-mode Analyzer measures the signals scattered off the target surface, implemented with regular bright paper. A single-photon-detector-array is used as the detection device, with […]

University of Hong Kong Research Pushes the Limits of Topological Quantum Materials

University of Hong Kong Research Pushes the Limits of Topological Quantum Materials Quantum material research facilitates discovery of better materials that benefit our society Points to note… +  A joint research team from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Institute of Physics at Chinese Academy of Science, Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Beihang University in Beijing […]

China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success

China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success Quantum cryptography keys for secure communication distributed 1,000 kilometers farther than previous attempts Key points… +  The exchange of a secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages over a distance of 1,120 kilometers is reported in Nature this week. This achievement is made using entanglement-based quantum key distribution, […]

The Qutrit Report? Using Aristotle’s Logic to Take Computing Beyond Qubits

The Qutrit Report? Using Aristotle’s Logic to Take Computing Beyond Qubits Scientists develop platform for building nanoelectronics and quantum processors In brief… +  Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia) together with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) have designed a platinum-cobalt-magnesium oxide microstructure coated by platinum that is capable of […]

Because Quantum Computing is Coming to Alibaba

Because Quantum Computing is Coming to Alibaba The cloud behemoth run by Alibaba is getting a new service for its customers: quantum computing at 11 qubits. The system, developed in tandem with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will permit testing of the processors. From giving customers the ability to test algorithms and receive the results, […]