Quantum Sensor Market Taking Off

The quantum computer market is an emerging and hot business. So is the quantum sensor market, where several entities are developing this technology for a range of applications.

Research at the U.S. LANL Sheds Light Into Mastering Photons

A team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory propose that modulated quantum metasurfaces can control all properties of photonic qubits, a breakthrough that could impact the fields of quantum information, communications, sensing and imaging, as well as energy and momentum harvesting.

Research at the U.S. LANL Sheds Light Into Mastering Photons

A team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory propose that modulated quantum metasurfaces can control all properties of photonic qubits, a breakthrough that could impact the fields of quantum information, communications, sensing and imaging, as well as energy and momentum harvesting.

Dippin Its Whiskers Further Into the Military Milk-Bowl of Quantum Technology

ColdQuanta eyes quantum applications in electronic warfare (EW), sensors, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) Read More… +  U.S. military researchers needed enabling technologies to advance the performance of atomic vapors for electric field sensing in applications ranging from airborne electronic warfare (EW) to naval anti-submarine warfare (ASW). They found their solution from ColdQuanta Inc. in Boulder, […]

Fully Homomorphic Encryption Accelerator to Pull Together Microsoft, Intel, U.S. DoD

FHE is purportedly resistant to quantum computing. The Qubit Report finds research and awareness of FHE is pertinent to understanding the threat, vulnerability, and impact of quantum computing’s spectre on the encryption of data. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Intel to Collaborate with Microsoft on DARPA Program What’s New: Intel […] announced that it has […]

U.S. DoD: Getting Fully Homomorphically Encrypted?

Fully Homomorphic Encryption is considered the “holy grail” of encryption. But right now it takes too much compute power to be used widely. Read More… +  The Defense Advanced Research Agency awarded four research teams multimillion-dollar contracts to figure out how to build hardware and software stacks capable of cutting down the amount of time […]

U.S. Defense Department Leveraging Academia, Private Sector to Advance Quantum Science

Quantum Science to Deliver Cutting-Edge Technology to Warfighters, Official Says During Engineers Week, the Defense Department is highlighting its efforts to develop a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce and to increase understanding of and interest in engineering and technology. Quantum science is important for the Defense Department because of the revolutionary technologies that it […]

ColdQuanta Previews its Cold Atom Quantum Computer Technology

ColdQuanta Previews its Cold Atom Quantum Computer Technology ColdQuanta, the quantum atomics company, previewed its quantum computer technology, built on its Quantum Core™. The Quantum Core is uniquely capable of being used as the basis for a wide range of quantum systems spanning computing, global positioning, signal processing, and communications. Today, this technology is a […]