Fixing Cryptography Before It Is Broken

Ever since Peter Shor showed how a quantum computer could factorize large numbers with exponential speedup, it has been known that quantum computers could become a threat to most cryptographic algorithms currently in use.

Securing Your Information in the Quantum Era

Quantum computing brings many benefits, but can’t be at the expense of data and system security. Internet traffic has seen a staggering, albeit expected increase since the pandemic. Everything from online gaming, shopping, learning, banking, and streaming services, have all experienced an immense boost in consumption, as society has sought to survive and escape reality.



The Quantum Revolution – Why You Should Pay Attention Now

If you haven’t heard about quantum computers yet, you may have been spending too much time in the server room, but you will be forgiven if you have missed the numerous recent news articles demonstrating the pace of advancements in quantum computing and just how close we are to them becoming reality. And the answer is ‘sooner than you think’.  The technology giants we are familiar with today such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM are investing hugely in this revolutionary technology, alongside an increasing multitude of innovative well-funded start-ups. But why bother?

NIST: PQC Finalists to be Named ‘Roughly’ by the End of 2021

…but they (as well as we) still think quantum computing sufficient to break codes are 10 to 20 years off. That timeframe gets one day further with each new dawn. None the less, quantum is coming. Even if winter sets in first. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Post-quantum cryptographic standards to be finalized later this […]

Taking the First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing

First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing.  The Hudson Institute has released a succinct guidebook tailored to an organization’s executive leadership.  The guidebook asks and answers numerous, pertinent questions on the topic of quantum computing’s threat to data encryption and what an organization can do, now, to start to mitigate this threat.  What […]