Another “Big One” Implementing Post-Quantum Cryptography

DigiCert Completes Migration of Customers, Partners to DigiCert CertCentral®, Pointing Way Forward to Continued Modernization of PKI and Certificate Management DigiCert, Inc., the world’s leading provider of TLS/SSL, IoT and other PKI solutions, has successfully migrated customers and partners from multiple legacy Symantec enterprise, retail and partner TLS consoles to its award-winning DigiCert CertCentral and shut down […]

Cloud Security for Quantum Computing & What’s Your Crypto Plan?

How to Secure Quantum Computing in the Cloud Key points… +  Quantum computing will likely arrive sooner than expected. 2020 has seen many leaps in the advance of quantum computing, including IBM announcing they will have a quantum processor available by the end of 2023. Enterprises need to prepare now for the potential threat of […]

Protecting PKI Now, and for the Future, DigiCert Expands in India

Protecting PKI Now, and for the Future, DigiCert Expands in India US-Based DigiCert To Scale Up Its Operations In India Key points… +  In the coming months, DigiCert is working on post-quantum cryptography. These are cryptographic algorithms – PKIs – that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. As of […]

Considering Costs of Upgrading PKI to PQC

Considering Costs of Upgrading PKI to PQC.  Keeping secrets safe from quantum computing is making news.  Fortunately, quantum computing has not arrived, per se.  However, its eventuality is certain. Planning for protecting client data is paramount and should begin now.  Transitioning your encryption infrastructure will take time, funds, and effort – it’s an enormous undertaking.  Dr. […]

Digicert, Utimaco, and Microsoft: Partners in IoT Security

Digicert, Utimaco, and Microsoft:  Partners in IoT Security.  Keeping the world safe from the Internet of Things, aka “the IoT”, was a seemingly impossible task due to the many limitations of these low-power, limited computing capacity devices.  Fortunately, in a capitalist society, where there is money to be made… Digicert, a world leader in digital […]

DigiCert Studying Post-Quantum Cryptography

DigiCert Studying Post-Quantum Cryptography.  DigiCert unveiled its digital certificate management platform for the cloud.  Foundational to the development is cybersecurity.  Dubbed “CertCentral Enterprise” the initiative enhances the strengths of DigiCert’s current offerings with the recently acquired Symantec Public Key Infrastructure. For cybersecurity, the CertCentral Enterprise platform “allows customers to customize and automate all stages of life-cycle […]

Microsoft, Quantum Computing, Risk V. Reward for Your Enterprise

  Microsoft, Quantum Computing, Risk V. Reward for Your Enterprise.  If you are without an idea of what quantum computing could do for your organization or the risk it brings, or just what ‘it’ is, take a moment for this further reading piece. From CMSWiRE…  

Quantum Resistant PKI and Key Management for IoT Devices

Quantum Resistant PKI and Key Management for IoT Devices.  More corporations are working on the hard-problems created by the threat of quantum computers to current encryption methods to include PKI and key management and delivery.  While NIST is developing post-quantum computer-resistant algorithms, the commercial sector is being mobilized to tackle the larger issue.  DigiCert, Gemalto, […]