The World’s Computing Power Outstripping Earth’s Ability to Provide It; Quantum Computing May Make All the Difference

The World’s Computing Power Outstripping Earth’s Ability to Provide It; Quantum Computing May Make All the Difference.  Imagine having a classical computer, a supercomputer, which demands 1/2 of the output of the average U.S. hydroelectric plant to function.  Tianhe-2, the most-energy consumptive computer on the planet gobbles up just that — 18 megawatts.  The average […]

Cybersecurity and the Electric Grid: Illusion?

The author’s opinion presented challenges us to consider our reliance on the U.S. electrical grid; is its security an illusion?  Many claim we have little to worry about.  Those that do fit into the “Relax Camp.”

Cybersecurity and the Electric Grid: Illusion?

  Cybersecurity and the Electric Grid: Illusion?  The author’s opinion presented challenges us to consider our reliance on the U.S. electrical grid; is its security an illusion?  Many claim we have little to worry about.  Those that do fit into the “Relax Camp.”  The “We’re Doomed Camp” claims, according to this author, just that: The […]