Some Say Quantum Is Coming, Some Have Doubts

The State of Quantum Computing Read More… +  …The Chinese team used quantum computing to achieve the calculation in a few minutes. +  “[This] is certainly an impressive academic achievement, showing that quantum machinery can in some cases strain the abilities of conventional computers,” said Chris Monroe, co-founder and chief scientist of IonQ, a quantum […]

Ford and Microsoft Test Quantum Routing in Metro Seattle

Ford and Microsoft Test Quantum Routing in Metro Seattle Mass Navigation: How Ford Is Exploring the Quantum World with Microsoft to Help Reduce Congestion Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Through a joint research pilot, Ford and Microsoft scientists have simulated thousands of vehicles and their impact on congestion by leveraging powerful quantum-inspired technology. While […]

Rise of the Quantum Ecosystem

Rise of the Quantum Ecosystem Quantum’s Road To Commercialization Excerpts and salient points ~ +  [Q]uantum computing started as a specialized field, only accessible to researchers and scientists. Today, millions of developers can access quantum processors via the cloud, bringing about a surge in early adoption and the identification of hundreds of early applications. We’re […]

Automotive Industry Sees Billions in Quantum Computing

Automotive Industry Sees Billions in Quantum Computing.  VW and D-Wave, Bosch [parts] and Zapata Computing, Ford and NASA, Daimler and IBM (and Google) and the list is growing.  The automotive industry is partnering with the budding quantum computing industry all the while exploring first uses for these coming technical marvels.  From battery improvement to routing, […]