Quantum-Inspired Digital Annealer Streamlines Global Shipping Company Stowage

Fujitsu Limited and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), a major global shipping company, announced the introduction of Fujitsu’s quantum-inspired Digital Annealer technology to significantly streamline complex stowage planning for car carriers, leveraging the technology’s world-class combinatorial optimization capabilities. The Digital Annealer will play a role in automating aspects of the stowage planning process for NYK’s dedicated car carriers, an enormously complex task involving a vast number of possible stowage patterns depending on the number of vehicles loaded, models of vehicles, and the number of ports called along the shipping route. After successful initial tests, Fujitsu and NYK have launched a real-world operational trial of the technology on September 1st with an aim to commence full-scale operational use in April 2022.

Making American Industry Master of the Global Economy Through Quantum Logistics

Quantum Technology: Cutting The Supply Chain Knot Read More… +  Quantum computers are exceptionally good at solving optimization problems. These are problems where you are looking for the best of many possible combinations of variables, such as what’s the most efficient route I need to deliver a stack of packages to multiple cities; or what’s […]

Japan’s Major Corporations Pooling Resources to Form Quantum Research Group

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Japan lines up Toshiba and NEC for quantum research group Read More… +  Toyota Motor, Toshiba, NEC and other big-name Japanese companies will partner with the government on a quantum research group forming as soon as this month to promote the development of a technology with major security implications. “It’s difficult for a single company […]

RIKEN RQC-Fujitsu Collaboration Center Opens, Aims to Bring Superconducting Quantum Computers to Forefront

RIKEN, Fujitsu Launch Collaborative R&D Center in Japan in First Step Toward Realization of Superconducting Quantum Computers RIKEN and Fujitsu today announced the opening of the “RIKEN RQC-Fujitsu Collaboration Center” to promote joint research and development of foundational technologies to put superconducting quantum computers into practical use. More specifically, Riken and Fujitsu will develop hardware […]

Fujitsu & Entanglement, Inc. Put Quantum-Inspired Computing to Good Use for Significantly Improved Logistics Fighting COVID-19

Fujitsu and Entanglement Solve Problems Related to COVID-19 and Other Previously Unsolvable Problems through Quantum-Inspired Technology Fujitsu partnered with Entanglement, Inc. to demonstrate and validate the capabilities of the Digital Annealer (DA), a quantum-inspired computing platform and related services, to address large scale logistical combinatorial optimization challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and other intractable challenges facing humankind. From […]

Fujitsu and U. of Toronto Reach Technical Milestone for Large Scale Optimization Problems

Fujitsu Develops New Tech for Quantum-Inspired “Digital Annealer”, Achieving Megabit-class Performance for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems News Facts: Fujitsu Laboratories along with University of Toronto achieve megabit-class performance with the Digital Annealer, an important technical milestone for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems The developed technology uses parallel search techniques to extend Fujitsu’s Digital Annealer Achieving megabit-class […]

Fujitsu Teams With Riken U., Osaka U., and TU Delft to Enable Practical Quantum Computing

Fujitsu Commences Joint Research with World-Leading Institutions for Innovations in Quantum Computing Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. today announced the launch of three collaborative research projects with world-leading research institutions: one with RIKEN and the University of Tokyo, another with Osaka University, and the other with the Delft University of Technology, in the Netherlands (hereafter, TU Delft). […]