Rice University’s RAMBO, Spintronics Research May Advance Quantum Memory

Odd angles make for strong spin-spin coupling Rice physicists’ RAMBO reveals magnetic phenomenon useful for quantum simulation and sensing Sometimes things are a little out of whack, and it turns out to be exactly what you need. That was the case when orthoferrite crystals turned up at a Rice University laboratory slightly misaligned. Those crystals inadvertently […]

Aalto University Researchers Observe Long-Lived, Macroscopic Quantum Entanglement

Evading the uncertainty principle in quantum physics In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle dictates that the position and speed of an object cannot both fully be known precisely at the same time. In a study published this week in Science, researchers show that two vibrating drumheads, the size of a human hair, can be […]

University of Copenhagen Researchers Strategize Entanglement Generation

The experimental demonstration of entanglement between mechanical and spin systems Read More… +  “About a decade ago, we proposed a way to generate entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and a spin oscillator via photons, using the principle that was later called ‘quantum mechanics free subspaces’ or ‘trajectories without quantum uncertainties,’” said Eugene S. Polzik, who […]

Nature Does Play Dice.  Or Doesn’t She?

Nature Does Play Dice.  Or Doesn’t She? Interesting opinion piece out of Scientific American. Don’t have to agree or disagree, but the work pulls in quantum mechanics principles, COVID-19, and lack or abundance of scientific data, applying these to risk taking. Worth reading from the source, below. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Living with Scientific […]

Does Quantum Computing Have a Big But?

Does Quantum Computing Have a Big But? Yes, it does. Now understand, quantum computing’s big but is not a big butt. However, the problem ‘it’ has could be influenced more so by a big butt. All kidding aside, this is a well done piece discussing quantum measurements and decoherence; generally, the largest challenge to quantum […]

Heisenberg Limit 3x More Valuable Than thought?

Heisenberg Limit 3x More Valuable Than thought? New Math Makes Scientists More Certain About Quantum Uncertainties Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Quantum measurements, at the core of next-generation technologies including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and ultra-sensitive electronics, may face a new hurdle as system sensitivities brush up against Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. New statistical calculations […]

Increasing Quantum Measurements by 30% [With This One Simple Trick]

Researchers break quantum limit in the precision of force and position measurements Researchers of the Schliesser Lab at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have pushed the precision of force and position measurements into a new regime. Their experiment is the first to surpass the so-called “Standard Quantum Limit,” or SQL, which arises in […]

Mitigating the Quantum Security Threat

Excerpts sourced from Journal of Cyber Policy. Mitigating the Quantum Security Threat QuintessenceLabs, which was founded in 2008 in Canberra Australia, has developed a countermeasure for quantum hacking. It’s based on implementing truly random keys, keys that are essentially quantum in nature. “Today, we have a key that we hope is random,” Melia said. “But […]