As U.S. and China Quantum Technology Takes Off, Japan Takes Notice

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Corporate Japan fights to keep up in quantum computing Read More… +  Quantum technology applies the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems in new ways. It has potential applications in secure communications and encryption, collection and analysis of data and the development of advanced technologies. Because quantum communications and encryption are directly related to […]

Japan’s Major Corporations Pooling Resources to Form Quantum Research Group

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Japan lines up Toshiba and NEC for quantum research group Read More… +  Toyota Motor, Toshiba, NEC and other big-name Japanese companies will partner with the government on a quantum research group forming as soon as this month to promote the development of a technology with major security implications. “It’s difficult for a single company […]

Strangeworks Commits to Humanizing Quantum Technology

Strangeworks Launches Quantum Ecosystem to Humanize Quantum Technologies Quantum ecosystem and European expansion underscores firm’s commitment to globalize, democratize and streamline quantum computing   Strangeworks, Inc., a computing software company dedicated to making quantum computing accessible, today [February 16, 2021] announced three key initiatives as part of its mission to foster a global quantum workforce, […]

IBM, Toshiba, Hitachi Form ‘Quantum Innovation Initiative Consortium’

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IBM, Toshiba, Hitachi Form ‘Quantum Innovation Initiative Consortium’ IBM ties up with Japanese business and academia in quantum computing In brief… +  The partnership comes as the United States and its allies compete with China in the race to develop quantum technology, which could fuel advances in artificial intelligence, materials science and chemistry. “We’re trying […]

Developing Silicon-Based Quantum Technology

Developing Silicon-Based Quantum Technology There are many benefits to enabling quantum bits based on silicon. The full work from the source document presents a well-rounded synopsis of manufacturing of silicon qubits. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Manufacturing silicon qubits at scale Selected notes ~ +  In principle, there are lots of ways to construct qubits. […]