China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success

China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success Quantum cryptography keys for secure communication distributed 1,000 kilometers farther than previous attempts Key points… +  The exchange of a secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages over a distance of 1,120 kilometers is reported in Nature this week. This achievement is made using entanglement-based quantum key distribution, […]

Zeiss Research Award Goes to Jian-Wei Pan, China’s “Father of Quantum”

Zeiss Research Award Goes to Jian-Wei Pan, China’s “Father of Quantum” Quantum cryptography trailblazer Pan wins Zeiss Research Award +  Jian-Wei Pan, a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, has won the latest Zeiss Research Award – a prestigious prize that has proved a precursor to Nobel recognition on […]

Multi-Decade Exploitation of Western Research Institutions Paying Big Dividends for China’s Quantum Ambitions

Multi-Decade Exploitation of Western Research Institutions Paying Big Dividends for China’s Quantum Ambitions Interesting piece from economic intelligence startup, Strider. Consolidates much of what we have seen in the media over the past several years regarding China’s intellectual property theft and quantum technology, specifically. Recommend getting the PDF and spending some time to really understand […]

Jian-Wei Pan Studies Boson Sampling to Achieve Quantum Supremacy

Jian-Wei Pan Studies Boson Sampling to Achieve Quantum Supremacy Quantum Computer Made from Photons Achieves a New Record Excerpts and salient points ~ +  In the race to create a quantum computer that can outperform a classical one, a method using particles of light (photons) has taken a promising step forward. Jian-Wei Pan and Chao-Yang […]

Quantum Teleportation Beyond Qubits

Quantum Teleportation Beyond Qubits “Qutrit” Experiments Are a First in Quantum Teleportation Excerpts and salient points ~ +  “Teleportation” also conjures visions of faster-than-light communication, but that picture is wrong, too. If Alice wants to send Bob a message via quantum teleportation, she has to accompany it with classical information transported via photons—at the speed […]

Is the China Threat Really about Advancements in Science and Technology?

Is the China Threat Really about Advancements in Science and Technology?  China has undoubtedly made the headlines with allegations against the nation as to intellectual property theft.  But is the perceived threat properly founded in advancements of science and technology? “The exaggerated threat—provocative and prognostic—is really not about China’s advancements in science and technology or even […]