Perfect Secrecy out of Chaos? Not so Fast.

Perfect Secrecy out of Chaos? Not so Fast. Original claim is found in The Qubit Report, “Out of Chaos, Perfection”.  The below captures skeptical responses to the concept of perfect secrecy from chaos.  The whole piece from the source, below, is worth reading.  Skepticism is found toward the second half.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubut. […]

Out of Chaos, Perfection

Out of Chaos, Perfection Chip prototype designed using chaos theory promises ‘perfect secrecy’ Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A new cryptography chip prototype designed using chaos theory is aimed at delivering “perfect secrecy” with unbreakable security. “We have successfully reimagined an entirely new way to develop technology, working in concert with the inherent principles […]

Perfect Secrecy and Quantum-Secure Cryptography on Silicon; A Challenge to Quantum Key Distribution or Merely a Bridge to?

Perfect Secrecy and Quantum-Secure Cryptography on Silicon; A Challenge to Quantum Key Distribution or Merely a Bridge to? Perfect secrecy cryptography via mixing of chaotic waves in irreversible time-varying silicon chips Abstract Protecting confidential data is a major worldwide challenge. Classical cryptography is fast and scalable, but is broken by quantum algorithms. Quantum cryptography is […]

Clarkson University:  Ultrahigh-Density Data Storage and Quantum Computing

Clarkson University:  Ultrahigh-Density Data Storage and Quantum Computing.  Researchers at Clarkson University, New York, have collaborated with researchers from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Texas A&M University, and Northwestern University in pioneering nanostructuration of single molecule magnets. “Practical applications involving the magnetic bistability of single-molecule magnets for next-generation computer technologies require nanostructuring, organization, and […]