Arthur Herman: The Quantum Space Race Is Here

[I]t was China that launched the first quantum satellite in 2016, dubbed Micius, and a year later used it to establish how to achieve long-distance QKD communication… So where is the U.S. in all this?

Canada, Satellites, and Quantum Key Distribution

Canada, Satellites, and Quantum Key Distribution Meet The Scrappy Space Startup Taking Quantum Security Into Space Read More… +  There are a bunch of differences between the older Micius approach to QKD and that which QEYSSat is taking. For a start, QEYSSat is aiming to be less than 20% the size of the Micius satellite […]

Confirmed: 2.6 kg Nanosatellite SpooQy-1 Entangling Photons in Orbit

Confirmed: 2.6 kg Nanosatellite SpooQy-1 Entangling Photons in Orbit SpooQy-1 shows promise of nanosatellites for quantum networks Key points… +  Headline-grabbing experiments by China’s satellite Micius have shown that quantum signals can reach Earth from satellites with their spooky and useful properties intact, pointing the way to building a global quantum internet. An international team […]

China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success

China Claims 1,120km Quantum Key Distribution Success Quantum cryptography keys for secure communication distributed 1,000 kilometers farther than previous attempts Key points… +  The exchange of a secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages over a distance of 1,120 kilometers is reported in Nature this week. This achievement is made using entanglement-based quantum key distribution, […]

Report: Portable Quantum Satellite Communications Device Developed by China

Report: Portable Quantum Satellite Communications Device Developed by China Chinese scientists develop portable quantum satellite communication device In brief… +  Chinese scientists have developed a quantum satellite ground station that is not only capable of sending ultra-secure messages anywhere in the world but also fits inside a family car. Although the new portable station opened […]

Space-Based or Terrestrial-Based Quantum Internet?  Pros and Cons

Space-Based or Terrestrial-Based Quantum Internet?  Pros and Cons Image:  “A hybrid global-quantum-communications network, in which a satellite constellation distributes entangled photon pairs (red wave packets; entanglement depicted by wavy lines) to distant ground stations (observatories) that host multi-mode quantum memories for storage. These stations act as hubs that connect to local nodes (black dots) via […]

China’s Quantum Ambitions Running Alongside the U.S. (Almost)

China’s Quantum Ambitions Running Alongside the U.S. (Almost) Quantum Cryptography in the US-China Tech Race Excerpts and salient points ~ +  As I mentioned, the rush to quantum cryptography was motivated by the Snowden leaks and the fear that the U.S. will have a code-breaking quantum computer first. But particularly in the group of Professor […]

Space: The Next Threat to Cybersecurity

Space: The Next Threat to Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Experts Worry About Satellite & Space Systems Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Little surprise, then, that cybersecurity and policy experts worry that the relative insecurity of satellite systems open them to attack. In a paper released by The Royal Institute of International Affairs at the non-profit think-tank […]