Material-Design Tools Taking On Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Approximation of the Schrodinger Equation

A multi-institutional effort that includes researchers from Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories is now underway to prepare QMCPACK for deployment on forthcoming, GPU-powered exascale machines, including the ALCF’s Aurora supercomputer. The greatly expanded computational power and parallelism of exascale will enable predictive capabilities far beyond the capacity of QMCPACK’s current implementation.

Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ Demonstrate Quantum Algorithms Proof-of-Concept That Will Revolutionize Financial Services, Other Industries

Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ Demonstrate Quantum Algorithms Proof-of-Concept That Will Revolutionize Financial Services, Other Industries Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ, Inc. (“IonQ”) today announced a significant step forward in the real-world application of quantum computing for the financial services industry. Specifically, a new research paper shows how IonQ’s quantum computers are now powerful enough […]

Still 5 to 10 Years Out for a Non-NISQ System, But Don’t Wait

Still 5 to 10 years away? Quantum computing was 5 to 10 years away 4 years ago. It will get here, eventually. It may just get very cold before then.  Recommend listening to the interview from the source.  Link is below.  Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Expert: Now is the time to prepare for the […]

Algorithm to Accelerate Monte Carlo Integration on Quantum Computers Revealed

Cambridge Quantum Develops Algorithm to Accelerate Monte Carlo Integration on Quantum Computers The scientific and technical breakthrough provides a provable roadmap to quantum advantage Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) May 27, 2021, announced the discovery of a new algorithm that accelerates quantum Monte Carlo integration – shortening the time to quantum advantage and confirming the critical […]

Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations Coming to Market Thanks to Joint Effort

Goldman Sachs and QC Ware Collaboration Brings New Way to Price Risky Assets within Reach of Quantum Computers Marking a significant step in the roadmap for quantum advantage for financial applications, Goldman Sachs and QC Ware researchers have designed new, robust quantum algorithms that outperform state-of-the-art classical algorithms for Monte Carlo simulations and can be used on […]

Microsoft to Bring Azure Quantum to Ally Financial, Provide Avenue to Quantum-Ready Workforce

Ally explores fintech products using quantum computing with Microsoft Read More… +  Microsoft today announced that fintech firm Ally will join the former’s Azure Quantum program to explore how quantum computing can create opportunities in the financial sector. The two companies say that they’ll apply research on quantum-inspired algorithms to understand ways they can be […]