FermiLab’s Many Exciting Quantum Technology Efforts

Superconductor experts at Fermilab lead efforts to build revolutionary quantum computers Read More… +  Taking a multidisciplinary approach, working in collaboration with 19 scientific, academic and industrial partners, Fermilab is posed to make revolutionary breakthroughs in quantum science far beyond what is currently possible. Its new Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center was selected in […]

Northwestern, UChicago Have Tailored Powerful and Scalable Quantum Bit Technology

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits Scientists have developed a way to synthesize tailor-made molecular qubits. Illustration courtesy of Daniel Laorenza, Northwestern University. With their ability to harness the strange powers of quantum mechanics, qubits are the basis for potentially world-changing technologies — like powerful new types of computers or […]

U. Chicago & Northwestern U. Scientists Create Methodology to Tailor Qubits

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits Innovative step by UChicago, Northwestern scientists could boost computing, sensing Qubits (short for quantum bits) are often made of the same semiconducting materials as our everyday electronics. But an interdisciplinary team of physicists and chemists at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University has […]

“Topological Protection” Research at Notre Dame As An Avenue to Improve Quantum Computation

“Topological Protection” Research at Notre Dame As An Avenue to Improve Quantum Computation Research shows evidence of broken time-reversal symmetry in superconducting UPt3 Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Researchers at the University of Notre Dame, in partnership with those at Northwestern University, are a step closer to understanding how superconductors can be improved for […]

Illinois Express Quantum Network to Receive $3.2M From the U.S. Department of Energy

Illinois Express Quantum Network to Receive $3.2M From the U.S. Department of Energy DOE awards Fermilab and partners $3.2 million for Illinois quantum network Full release… The proposed Illinois Express Quantum Network is a metropolitan-scale, quantum-classical hybrid design combining quantum technologies with existing classical networks to create a multinode system for multiple users. The Department […]

Quantum Teleportation Through Quantum Chemistry

Quantum Teleportation Through Quantum Chemistry Teleportation, of the Star Trek kind, is within the realm of the possible [still]. This was the bottom line to a hallway discussion at Quantum.Tech Congress in Boston this past September.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit. Quantum Teleportation on the Nanoscale Using a Chemical Reaction Excerpts and salient points ~ […]

Rice, Northwestern Universities Study Borophene; May Serve Quantum Information Sciences

IMAGE: Scientists at Rice and Northwestern universities have developed a technique to get images of two-dimensional borophene and match them with models. Polymorphic borophene shows promise for electronic, thermal, optical and other applications. The researchers also created a phase diagram, at right, with details about borophene polymorphs observed to date.  Image Credit: Illustration by Xiaolong […]

Clarkson University:  Ultrahigh-Density Data Storage and Quantum Computing

Clarkson University:  Ultrahigh-Density Data Storage and Quantum Computing.  Researchers at Clarkson University, New York, have collaborated with researchers from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Texas A&M University, and Northwestern University in pioneering nanostructuration of single molecule magnets. “Practical applications involving the magnetic bistability of single-molecule magnets for next-generation computer technologies require nanostructuring, organization, and […]

Quantum Computing with Molecular Qubits

Quantum Computing with Molecular Qubits Simulating quantum behaviors of chemicals will aid scientists in the study of enzymes and catalytic processes. In the classical computing environment we have today, “mathematical shortcuts” and statistics are being executed to provide science with data. Approximations and shortcuts only go so far. Quantum computing is expected to eliminate the […]