South Africa’s Photonics Research is Fitting Segue to Quantum Technologies

Physics in South Africa Read More… +  The country’s strength in laser science [also] stems from laser equipment and expertise left over from its uranium-enrichment program. This legacy “accelerated photonics research in the country and has been responsible for almost all the growth in photonics,” says Andrew Forbes, a photonics specialist at the University of […]

U. of Science and Technology of China’s Photon Generator a New Standard in Quantum Technology?

Toward a Perfect Single-Photon Source Read More… +  Optical-based quantum technologies use individual photons to encode and transmit information. However, even the best existing tools for generating photons produce beams whose number of photons fluctuates. This fluctuation creates uncertainty in the timing and intensity of a received signal. In the classical world, it was thought […]

University of Würzburg Physicists Study Topological Metamaterials; Benefits to Photonic Quantum Computer

University of Würzburg Physicists Study Topological Metamaterials; Benefits to Photonic Quantum Computer First Confirmation of New Theory by Metamaterial Full release… +  Physicists at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, perform research on those topological metamaterials, a central scheme of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter. “We aim […]

Generating Lasers at Room Temperature from 310nm Particles

Generating Lasers at Room Temperature from 310nm Particles Scientists Create Tiniest Semiconductor Laser – 3,000 Times Smaller Than a Millimeter Excerpts and salient points… +  An international team of researchers led by researchers from ITMO University announced the development of the world’s most compact semiconductor laser that works in the visible range at room temperature. […]

Boosting Polaritonic Non-linearity Part of Research Quest for Truly Useful Quantum Computers

Boosting Polaritonic Non-linearity Part of Research Quest for Truly Useful Quantum Computers Boosting polaritonic nonlinearity with a mechanism to create polaron-polaritons Selected notes ~ +  As scientists continue their quest to create truly useful quantum computers, they have found the need for nonlinear effects in optical information platforms. Such effects could be used by information-carrying […]

Conventional Optical Fibre Showing Promise in Use For Quantum Internet

Conventional Optical Fibre Showing Promise in Use For Quantum Internet Could legacy fibre networks host the global quantum Internet? Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Researchers have transmitted multidimensional entangled photons across a record-breaking 250 metres of conventional single-mode optical fibre. This result from a team based in South Africa and China suggests that conventional […]