China’s Baidu Reveals Its First Quantum Computer, ‘Qianshi’

…Chinese search engine giant Baidu revealed its first quantum computer on Thursday and is ready to make it available to external users, joining the global race to apply the technology to practical uses… …The Baidu-developed quantum computer, dubbed “Qianshi,” has a 10-quantum-bit (qubit) processor, Baidu said in a statement. The Beijing-based company has also developed […]

Full Speed Ahead: Archer Begins Qubit Control Measurements for its 12CQ Chip

Full Speed Ahead: Archer Begins Qubit Control Measurements for its 12CQ Chip We have said it before, we’ll say it again: Could Archer be the mouse that roared?  This small company appears to be all in and progressing rapidly with its 12CQ chip.  12CQ is a room-temperature, quantum computing qubit processor.  It’s a quantum bit […]

Teleportation Between Electrons? University Research Suggests So

Teleportation Between Electrons? University Research Suggests So Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world Key points… +  Quantum teleportation is a demonstration of what Albert Einstein famously called “spooky action at a distance”—also known as quantum entanglement. In entanglement—one of the basic of concepts of quantum physics—the properties of one particle affect the properties […]

Electrons in Fluids as Qubits Considered Possible

Electrons in Fluids as Qubits Considered Possible Quantum Scientists Force Electrons to Break Ohm’s Law +  Excerpts and salient points ~ +  “If we run an electric current through a piece of wire, then we know that the electrons will move from one end to the other. If we split the wire into two, half […]

Caltech Researchers Make Way Toward Quantum Internet With Help From Ytterbium Ion

Caltech Researchers Make Way Toward Quantum Internet With Help From Ytterbium Ion Tiny optical cavities could make quantum networks possible Engineers at Caltech have shown that atoms in optical cavities — tiny boxes for light — could lead to the creation of a quantum internet. Their National Science Foundation-funded work was published in the journal […]

Australian’s Can Actually See Their Qubits

Australian’s Can Actually See Their Qubits The University of New South Wales is keeping the world abreast of its quantum computing research excellence. Storing information using a single phosphorus electron, its quantum spin, is what researchers have accomplished — creating a quantum bit. This accomplishment, coupled with their success in delivering the lowest noise in […]