Quantum Measurements, Filmed. Sorta.

Quantum Measurements, Filmed. Sorta. For colleagues here in the office, the value in this piece is the understanding of what occurs when quantum measurements are made.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit. Scientists ‘film’ a quantum measurement +  Measuring a quantum system causes it to change – one of the strange but fundamental aspects of quantum […]

Increasing Quantum Measurements by 30% [With This One Simple Trick]

Researchers break quantum limit in the precision of force and position measurements Researchers of the Schliesser Lab at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have pushed the precision of force and position measurements into a new regime. Their experiment is the first to surpass the so-called “Standard Quantum Limit,” or SQL, which arises in […]

Quantum Communication Theory, Informativeness, Noise and Measurement: New Insights

Quantum Communication Theory, Informativeness, Noise and Measurement: New Insights New insights into quantum measurements.  University of Bristol.  Researchers from the University of Bristol have shed new light on the process of quantum measurement, one of the defining, and most quantum features of quantum mechanics. As reported in Physical Review Letters, Dr Paul Skrzypczyk and Professor […]