Quantum Computing is Real.  How to Protect your Data…

Quantum Computing is Real.  How to Protect your Data… Quantum computing is real and coming, seemingly sooner than later.   To help protect your organization’s data, a broad overview of quantum computing, its threat to encryption and  cryptography, and how to prepare your defense is wise to get going, today.  Is your organization prepared?  Qubit. Getting […]

U.S. DoD Defense Information Systems Agency Seeking Quantum-resistant Algorithms

U.S. DoD Defense Information Systems Agency Seeking Quantum-resistant Algorithms.  The U.S. DoD Defense Information Systems Agency is seeking quantum-resistant algorithm prototypes.  The effort appears to have the same goal as the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Post-quantum Cryptography Project.  The NIST project aims “to solicit, evaluate, and standardize one or more quantum-resistant […]

Quantum Computing, Hacking, Encryption, Policy Implications

Quantum Computing, Hacking, Encryption, Policy Implications. Implications of Quantum Computing for Encryption Policy.  Quantum computing is still in its infancy, but its future development could reshape many aspects of computing, including encryption. Although the impact of quantum computing on encryption has been widely discussed, there has been less attention to how quantum computing would affect […]

Taking the First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing

First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing.  The Hudson Institute has released a succinct guidebook tailored to an organization’s executive leadership.  The guidebook asks and answers numerous, pertinent questions on the topic of quantum computing’s threat to data encryption and what an organization can do, now, to start to mitigate this threat.  What […]