Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology to License Zapata Computing’s Orquestra

Partnering with KAUST to Bring Quantum Computing to the Middle East   Using Zapata’s quantum workflows platform, Orquestra, KAUST will explore how quantum computing can simulate and optimize the aerodynamic design process for vehicles.   Zapata Computing, Inc., the leading enterprise software company for NISQ-based quantum applications, today announced a new partnership with Middle East-based […]

Middle East, Quantum Computing, and FOMO

Middle East, Quantum Computing, and FOMO The Gulf embraces quantum power Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Universities in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have already launched quantum computing research groups to help cultivate homegrown knowledge of the technology that is set to transform the world. +  While the global quantum computing ecosystem is […]

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE Joining the Quantum Computing Race

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE Joining the Quantum Computing Race.  The Gulf states are pursuing action to bolster research and development in quantum computing.  Working with IBM, Microsoft, and D-Wave, various initiatives are taking place.  Not joining the marathon of quantum computing is seen as putting countries in the “slow lane of innovation.” Joining the […]