SiC! Uni Sci Tech of China Laying Foundation for Solid-State Quantum Storage and Networking

Prof. LI Chuanfeng, Prof. XU Jinshi and their colleagues from Prof. GUO Guangcan’s group, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), realized the high-contrast readout and coherent manipulation of a single silicon carbide divacancy color center electron spin at room temperature for the first time in the world, in cooperation with Prof. Adam Gali, from the Wigner Research Centre for Physics in Hungary.

Stable and Scalable Quantum Bits Using Commercially Available Silicon Carbide Chips

Stable and Scalable Quantum Bits Using Commercially Available Silicon Carbide Chips Building a Quantum Computer From Off-the-Shelf Parts Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A new technique for fabricating quantum bits in silicon carbide wafers could provide a scalable platform for future quantum computers. The quantum bits, to the surprise of the researchers, can even […]

High-Speed Internet, Quantum Style. It’s Possible.

High-Speed Internet, Quantum Style. It’s Possible. Once thought to be an unlikely possibility, the high-speed quantum internet is looking to be more of a reality. With the introduction of new materials, rapid production of photons capable of transmitting quantum information has researchers at the University of Moscow excited. Utilizing silicon carbide, the team has created […]