Controlled for First Time, Quantum Phenomenon Could Suggest Avenues for Technology

University of Chicago scientists have been able to create a new kind of quantum object at will in the laboratory: “domain walls.” The discovery can help researchers better understand exotic quantum particles—and could suggest avenues for new technology in the future, such as quantum electronics or quantum memory… “It’s kind of like a sand dune in the desert—it’s made up of sand, but the dune acts like an object that behaves differently from individual grains of sand,” said Ph.D. student Kai-Xuan Yao, the first author of the study…

Q-Next Has Come Far In Its Inaugural Year, How Far?

Q-NEXT, led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, brings together roughly 100 scientists at national labs, universities, and companies to carry out an ambitious mission: develop the science and technology to store and transmit quantum information, whether at distances as small as the width of a computer chip or as large as the distance between Chicago and San Francisco.

First-Ever Entangled Qubits Sent Through Communications Cable, Amplified

Prof. Andrew Cleland’s lab sent entangled qubit states through a communication cable, laying the groundwork for future quantum communication networks. Image courtesy of Cleland Lab. For first time, researchers send entangled qubit states through a communication channel In a breakthrough for quantum computing, University of Chicago researchers have sent entangled qubit states through a communication […]

Shifting Towards Quantum Technologies a Part of Chicago Quantum Exchange’s Strength

Chicago Certificate supports transition to quantum careers Read More… +  Last fall, the Chicago Quantum Exchange launched the inaugural session of a new Certificate Program in Quantum Engineering and Technology. The initial session of the four-day intensive program, which is taught by faculty from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, brought together […]

Northwestern, UChicago Have Tailored Powerful and Scalable Quantum Bit Technology

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits Scientists have developed a way to synthesize tailor-made molecular qubits. Illustration courtesy of Daniel Laorenza, Northwestern University. With their ability to harness the strange powers of quantum mechanics, qubits are the basis for potentially world-changing technologies — like powerful new types of computers or […]

Quantum Leap of Faith? Quantum Computing Scientists Turn Quantum Computer Into Quantum Material

UChicago scientists turn IBM computer into a quantum material Pioneering experiment could help design energy-efficient materials In a groundbreaking study, a group of University of Chicago scientists announced they were able to turn IBM’s largest quantum computer into a quantum material itself. They programmed the computer such that it turned into a type of quantum material […]

U. Chicago & Northwestern U. Scientists Create Methodology to Tailor Qubits

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits Innovative step by UChicago, Northwestern scientists could boost computing, sensing Qubits (short for quantum bits) are often made of the same semiconducting materials as our everyday electronics. But an interdisciplinary team of physicists and chemists at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University has […]