Quantum Processes, Your Brain, and Consciousness: Does one Explain the Other?

Can science explain the mystery of consciousness? Read More… +  After The Emperor’s New Mind was published, Penrose received a letter from Stuart Hameroff, professor of anaesthesiology at the University of Arizona, who also had a long interest in understanding consciousness. In the letter, Hameroff described tiny structures in the brain called microtubules, which he […]

Getting Bigger: Ireland, Quantum Computing, and Big Data

Getting Bigger: Ireland, Quantum Computing, and Big Data Key takeaways are the Irish presence in the quantum computing landscape, a layperson’s description of quantum computing, and how these pieces fit together to keep Ireland with a foot in the door. Good read from the source. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Quantum computing poised to transform […]

Tuning Your Quantum Computer by Taking the Human out of the Loop

Tuning Your Quantum Computer by Taking the Human out of the Loop AI automatic tuning delivers step forward in Quantum computing Key points… +  In prototype semiconductor quantum computers, the standard way to correct these imperfections is by adjusting input voltages to cancel them out. This process is known as tuning. However, identifying the right […]

‘Re-entrant Superconductivity’ in Uranium Ditelluride Promising for Use in Quantum Computers

‘Re-entrant Superconductivity’ in Uranium Ditelluride Promising for Use in Quantum Computers Rare ‘Lazarus superconductivity’ observed in promising, rediscovered material In brief… +  Once dismissed by physicists for its apparent lack of interesting physical properties, uranium ditelluride is having its own Lazarus moment. The current study is the second in as many months (both published by […]

Fast Fourier Transform, Quantum Fourier Transform, Next Quantum Algorithm…

Fast Fourier Transform, Quantum Fourier Transform, Next Quantum Algorithm… Quantum interference in the service of information technology Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Scientists from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, in collaboration with the University of Oxford and NIST, have shown that quantum interference enables processing of large sets of data faster and […]

Oxford University to Lead Quantum Technologies Research Hub; $120M USD Investment

Oxford University to Lead Quantum Technologies Research Hub; $120M USD Investment Oxford to lead quantum computing hub as part of UK’s research and innovation drive Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Hubs centered at Oxford, Birmingham, Glasgow and York will revolutionise computing, sensing and timing, imaging, and communications respectively. The collaborations will involve 26 universities, […]