Quantum Random Number Generator, Smallest Ever?

Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China and Zhejiang University developed a quantum random number generator (QRNG) that small and low power enough to be portable. It utilizes a photonic IC with optimized real-time postprocessing for extracting randomness from quantum entropy source of vacuum states.

China Claim: 1h Coherence and 96.4% Fidelity for Optical Quantum Memory

Researchers realize coherent storage of light over one hour Read More… Energy level diagram and experimental setup. (Image Credit: MA Yu et al.) +  Remote quantum distribution on the ground is limited because of the loss of photons in optical fibers. One solution for remote quantum communication lies in quantum memories: photons are stored in […]

UST of China Claims Significant Step Towards On-Chip Quantum Information Processing

Researchers realize high-efficiency frequency conversion on integrated photonic chip Read More… +  A team led by Prof. GUO Guangcan and Prof. ZOU Changling from the University of Science and Technology of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences realized efficient frequency conversion in microresonators via a degenerate sum-frequency process, and achieved cross-band frequency conversion and […]

Brookings: Universal Access to Quantum Computing ‘Absolutely Vital’

How to enable quantum computing innovation through access Read More… +  Two recent breakthroughs in quantum computing have generated significant excitement in the field. By using quantum computers to solve problems that classical computers could not, researchers in the United States and China have separately ushered in the era of “quantum advantage.” Yet as momentous […]

So which is it?  10 Billion (Hype?) or 100 Trillion (Hype!)

Two reports, same topic, same backstory, two very different headlines.  So which is it?  10 Billion (Hype?) or 100 Trillion (Hype!) or both? (Hype? & Hype!)  You decide.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit China claims it built a quantum computer that’s 10 billion times faster than Google’s +  State researchers in China recently developed a […]

China Claims Quantum Supremacy Albeit Solely Boson Sampling

The new light-based quantum computer Jiuzhang has achieved quantum supremacy Key points… +  A photonic quantum computer, which harnesses particles of light, or photons, performed a calculation that’s impossible for a conventional computer, researchers in China report online December 3 in Science. That milestone, known as quantum supremacy, has been met only once before, in […]

U. of Science and Technology of China’s Photon Generator a New Standard in Quantum Technology?

Toward a Perfect Single-Photon Source Read More… +  Optical-based quantum technologies use individual photons to encode and transmit information. However, even the best existing tools for generating photons produce beams whose number of photons fluctuates. This fluctuation creates uncertainty in the timing and intensity of a received signal. In the classical world, it was thought […]