SA QuTI: So That We Can Be Part of the Quantum Revolution

Following on a proposal written by the consortium led by Professor Andrew Forbes from the Wits School of Physics, the DSI committed the first tranche of funding up until March 2025 to set up SA QuTI. It involves establishing quantum nodes at five centres… and eventually increasing the number of active centres across the country by finding and supporting new emerging quantum leaders.

South Africa’s Photonics Research is Fitting Segue to Quantum Technologies

Physics in South Africa Read More… +  The country’s strength in laser science [also] stems from laser equipment and expertise left over from its uranium-enrichment program. This legacy “accelerated photonics research in the country and has been responsible for almost all the growth in photonics,” says Andrew Forbes, a photonics specialist at the University of […]

Sharing Secrets the Witwatersrand Way

Sharing Secrets the Witwatersrand Way New Quantum Approach for Sharing Secrets Sets a Record With 11 Dimensions Read More… +  Researchers at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, have demonstrated a record setting quantum protocol for sharing a secret amongst many parties. The team created an 11-dimensional quantum state and used it […]

University of the Witwatersrand Researchers Leverage Light Patterns Vice Light Polarization for Potential Quantum Information Carrier

University of the Witwatersrand Researchers Leverage Light Patterns Vice Light Polarization for Potential Quantum Information Carrier Structured light promises path to faster, more secure communications Full release… Quantum mechanics is embracing patterns of light to create an alphabet that can be leveraged to build a light-based quantum network.  Structured light is a fancy way to […]

South Africa Looking to Amp Up 4th Industrial Revolution Workforce Skills

South Africa Looking to Amp Up 4th Industrial Revolution Workforce Skills Government commits to digital skills revolution Excerpts and salient points ~ +  South Africa is committing to the delivery of a ‘skills revolution’ to enable human capital to match the rapid evolution of the digital economy. President Cyril Ramaphosa promised the training of one-million […]

IBM Quantum Computing Collaboration Arrives in Africa

IBM Quantum Computing Collaboration Arrives in Africa Full release. Wits enters the quantum computing universe with IBM Q IBM expands its quantum computing program with Wits as its first partner in Africa on the IBM Q Network. IBM has announced the expansion of its quantum computing efforts to Africa in a new collaboration with the […]