Orquestra, Pennylane, Xanadu, Zapata: The New Plugin

Pennylane-Orquesta Integration Read More… +  With the new Pennylane release, we thought it would be a great time to highlight an interesting project coming out of Xanadu that’s related to Orquestra: the PennyLane-Orquestra Plugin. Depending on needs, you can call Pennylane from Orquestra or now call Orquestra from Pennylane (or do both for extra credit! […]

Startup Funding for November 2020

Startup Funding: November 2020 Key points… +  Quantum computer builder IQM drew €39M (~$46.1M) in Series A funding; the startup focuses on superconducting quantum processors and the co-design of application-specific quantum hardware. IQM was recently chosen by the Finnish government to help build a five-qubit quantum computer within a year, leading to a 50-qubit device […]

Zapata Computing, Like Raking Leaves, Rakes in $38M in Funding

Announcing $38 Million Funding for Series B Financing Funding will enable Zapata to scale research and product development in support of quantum readiness across industries. Zapata Computing, Inc., the leading enterprise software company for NISQ-based quantum applications, today announced it has received $38 million in Series B funding, bringing the total investment to over $64 […]

ITOCHU to Support Zapata Expansion in Japan

ITOCHU Announces Investment in Zapata Computing, Developer of Software for Quantum Computers ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Yoshihisa Suzuki, President & COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) announces today [November 19, 2020] that it has invested in Zapata Computing, Inc. (headquartered in Boston, USA; CEO & Co-Founder: Christopher J. Savoie; hereinafter “Zapata”), a company that develops software […]

Canada Pulls Quantum Computing Firms Together

Quantum Industry Canada will be interesting to follow. Canada’s quantum computing industry has plenty of leaders; if they do it right, they could take the lead. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Quantum Industry Canada Launch Statement Canada’s Leading Quantum Technology Companies Launch “Quantum Industry Canada”  Industry Association will accelerate the commercialization of Canada’s quantum sector […]

IonQ Unveils World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer

IonQ, the leader in quantum computing, today unveiled its next generation quantum computer system. The new hardware features 32 perfect qubits with low gate errors, giving it an expected quantum volume greater than 4,000,000. The new system consists of perfect atomic clock qubits and random access all-to-all gate operations for efficient software compilation of applications. […]

U.S. Quantum Economic Development Consortium to Expand Membership Internationally

US quantum consortium to encourage international membership Key points… +  International partners will be able to join the US-based Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) in the near future. + Thus far the group, which includes more than 180 members aiming to establish a robust quantum industry and supply chain, has been limited to US-based institutions […]

Zapata’s Orquestra Officially Released to the Commercial World

Announcing Orquestra’s Commercial Release Orquestra enables enterprise teams to orchestrate across quantum computing frameworks to compose, run, and analyze quantum workflows at scale.   Today we announce the commercial release of Orquestra, a workflow-based, unified toolset for applied quantum computing that allows users to compose and run quantum workflows across a range of devices, both quantum […]

BBVA Bank Seeks Potential Impacts of Quantum Computing

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] Banking Sector Discovering Quantum Computing’s Benefits BBVA Uncovers The Promise Of Quantum Computing For Banking And Financial Services Read More… +  “We are trying to understand the potential impact of quantum computing over the next 5 years,” says Carlos Kuchkovsky, global head of research and patents at BBVA. Last month, BBVA announced initial results […]

Savoie: Quantum Computing + Machine Learning is Coming

Savoie: Quantum Computing + Machine Learning is Coming Zapata CEO Christopher Savoie: The QC and ML business use case is ‘a when, not an if’ Key points… +  The story of quantum computing hardware companies is well known. But as tech giants Amazon and Microsoft push the quantum computing conversation to the cloud, we’re also […]