Not So Cheery Quantum Computing Prediction Beyond 2019…

Not So Cheery Quantum Computing Prediction Beyond 2019… Top technology innovations for 2019 include blockchain’s comeback, artificial intelligence’s expansion via the cloud, and quantum computing.  But all is not as transformative – in 2019 – as one would imagine.  According to this op-ed, quantum computers will not replace classical computers for decades, if ever.  The […]

Quantum-resistant Cryptography: Lattice Cryptography Now Needed or Needed Now?

Quantum-resistant Cryptography: Lattice Cryptography Now Needed.  While the U.S. government is not-funding certain “non-essential” aspects of government at present, the NIST quantum-resistant algorithm ‘challenge’ is on a temporary hold.  The issue at stake is the collaborative development of quantum computing resistant algorithms: Algorithms and protocols which should be able to resist quantum computing attacks against existing […]

UK Heavily Funding Four Major Research Areas

UK Heavily Funding Four Major Research Areas.  Crossword Cybersecurity has completed a global database looking at university research.  In the UK, “a significant £5.6 million has gone to work on security for healthcare” data. Four UK projects with the greatest funding are found in safe robotics, big data security, cyber crime and quantum technology for secure […]

Photonics for Quantum Workshop, @ RIT

Photonics for Quantum Workshop, @ RIT.  Quantum science has potential for “handling complex computational problems, providing communication security, and in enhancing navigation, imaging and other sensing technologies.”  From January 23 to 25, 2019, scientists and engineers from across the U.S. will meet at the Rochester Institute of Technology for the Photonics for Quantum Workshop.  Discussions […]

China: Scientific Greatness, Freedom of Thought, Unproven

China: Scientific Greatness, Freedom of Thought, Unproven.  China…’wants the world to know that it is a global power not just a titanic economy, having the geopolitical sway and military might to match, soft power of all sorts and a glorious future.’  Science is seen as an ennobling pursuit and a foundation for technological advance.  China’s leadership […]

“To Do” List 2019: Cybersecurity Protection from Quantum Computing

Cybersecurity Protection from Quantum Computing,”To Do” List 2019.  The 4th European Cybersecurity Forum, CYBERSEC 2018, is one of the biggest European cybersecurity conferences.  Annually providing a comprehensive overview of the strategic aspects of cybersecurity, this year the forum theme was “The Quest for Cyber Trust”.  Of the many recommendations, quantum computing and its threat to cybersecurity […]