From NASCAR to Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution

From NASCAR to Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Expanding from 30 to 100 employees by the end of 2019, NASCAR aficionado Brad Keselowski believes his hybrid-3D printing business will take the leap in pioneering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Housed in a 70,000 square foot facility and with his exposure to advanced machines and tools, “Keselowski said […]

Wanted: Computation and Algorithm Specialist

Wanted: Computation and Algorithm Specialist.  As complex and cutting edge as quantum computing and machine learning are, advertisements for position openings are out there.  In looking at a BOSCH coporate position request, one must wonder if industry understands the difficulty in finding the right quntum savvy person with the required skills.  In the position description the […]

Disruptive Tech: Financial Security Sector Takes Notice

Disruptive Tech: Financial Security Sector Takes Notice.  With the advent of “disruptive technology”, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and machine learning each have been lumped under this category.  Reporting from Financial Advisor magazine is indicative of the level of interest in these techs.  Quantum computing’s threat to cybersecurity is noted as an aside to security and business.  […]

Quantum Decision Making Games: Alice and Bob, at it Again

Quantum Decision Making Games: Alice and Bob, at It Again.  “…This work is also intimate to the issue whether novel quantum features exist in a classical game.  The issue has been regarded to be negative, while quantum features in quantum games have been discussed mostly by considering quantum strategies.  To attack the issue, on the […]