Lattice-based Quantum-resistant Algorithm & Chip Fits IoT Nodes

Lattice-based Quantum-resistant Algorithm & Chip Fits IoT Nodes.  Engineers from MIT have reported the creation of an encryption system that performs one of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) quantum-resistant algorithms currently under study.  Further, the algorithm is contained in “a chip small enough and energy-efficient enough to guard battery-powered nodes on […]

Quantum Information Science is Ramping Up at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Quantum Information Science is Ramping Up at Brookhaven National Laboratory.  The Computational Science Initiative at Brookhaven Lab is expanding efforts in quantum information science through a newly formed Quantum Computing Group. The national lab is at the forefront of computing technologies.  Known for leading data management and analysis needs, quantum computing is seen as one […]

Quantum-level Technology “Talks”

Quantum-level Technology “Talks”  (Press release is found at Argonne National Labs…)  Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have invented an innovative way for different types of quantum technology to ​“talk” to each other using sound. The study, published Feb. 11 in Nature Physics, is an […]

India’s Only Quantum Cybersecurity Device Developer

India’s Only Quantum Cybersecurity Device Developer.  India has made headway into developing quantum computing over the past several years.  Though behind the U.S., Europe, Canada, and China, it is arguable that QNu is a result of India’s attempts at joining the quantum computing race. QNu is India’s first and only company to develop quantum cybersecurity devices, […]