Sobering Up Before Taking the Quantum Leap

Piggy Bank Sky High

Sobering Up Before Taking the Quantum Leap Quantum computing is one of the centers of gravity in leading edge technology today.  There’s much in the media which is fausses nouvelles; quantum computing not to be excluded.  Keeping quantum computing in perspective, help yourself shake out the fact from the fiction, the inflated from the hyper-inflated, […]

Current Computing Technology Insufficient Say Business Leaders

Current Computing Technology Insufficient Say Business Leaders Just the Facts:     •  Business leaders want quantum technology now in order to realize business benefits and accelerate digital transformation through process optimization     •  Almost 90% of business leaders surveyed worldwide believe the insufficient power of today’s computing technology is holding their business back from revolutionizing […]

Fujitsu’s Q is True

Fujitsu’s Q is True Fujitsu is developing a “real quantum computer” the head of the company’s research lab has revealed. Hirotaka Hara, director of Fujitsu Laboratories, told Computerworld that the company is working with a number of research groups to develop a “true” quantum machine. The company is already pitching its “quantum inspired” Digital Annealer […]

Honeywell’s Quantum Leap:  “As good as or better than…”

Honeywell’s Quantum Leap:  “As good as or better than…” Honeywell International Inc. threw down the gauntlet to Google and IBM in the race to create a new kind of supercomputer, announcing its own breakthrough in the arcane world of quantum mechanics. “We have a very unique technology that we believe is as good or better […]

A Step Towards Probabilistic Computing

A Step Towards Probabilistic Computing When it comes to performing a calculation destined to arrive at an exact result, humans are hopelessly inferior to the computer. In other areas, humans are still lengths ahead of it: An example is signal processing, which plays an important role in autonomous driving. In the search for new computer […]

Atos Launches myQLM to Democratize Quantum Programming

Atos Launches myQLM to Democratize Quantum Programming PARIS, May 16, 2019 — At the occasion of the 4th Atos Technology Days co-located with VivaTech, Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today announces myQLM, a new program providing researchers, students and developers quantum programming tools for free, in order to democratize access to quantum simulation […]