Quantum Xchange and ID Quantique Further Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum Xchange and ID Quantique Make Ultra-Secure Quantum Networks a Reality for Leading U.S. Industries

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  “QKD technology promises unprecedented security and assures that organizations can protect their critical data from bad actors,” said Gregoire Ribordy, CEO of ID Quantique. “From data harvesting to man-in-the-middle attacks, QKD technology promises to keep our secrets safe from even the sophisticated cyber threats.”

“The future of computing — and thus, security — is in the quantum realm,” said John Prisco, CEO of Quantum Xchange. “Advances in quantum computing will soon render our traditional encryption methods obsolete. Quantum Key Distribution is an essential technology to keep critical data safe in years to come.”

+  The Phio quantum network promises the ability to securely transmit high-value data across diverse sectors. As a result, key industry players are in pilot, or have deployed Phio, for ultra-secure communications and mission-critical data protection.

Popular use-cases include:

+  The first leg of the operational QKD network from Quantum Xchange runs from Washington, D.C. to New York City, including key connections to the financial markets on Wall Street with back office operations in New Jersey. The company plans to extend Phio nationwide over the next 12 months.

Source:  Quantum Xchange.  Press Release,  Quantum Xchange and ID Quantique Make Ultra-Secure Quantum Networks a Reality for Leading U.S. Industries…

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