The Shorts | 8/24/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

The Privatization of Cyber Tools and Operations Further Muddies Attribution Efforts | OODA is one of the few independent research sources with experience in due diligence on quantum computing and quantum security companies and capabilities. Our practitioner’s lens on insights ensures our research is grounded in reality. See: Quantum Computing Sensemaking.  Source: DA LOOP.   The Privatization of Cyber Tools and Operations Further Muddies Attribution Efforts…

What Heartbleed Taught Us About Automating Certificate Management | This spring marked the seventh anniversary of Heartbleed, the vulnerability discovered in the OpenSSL cryptographic library widely used on servers and embedded devices around the world.   Source: Forbes.   What Heartbleed Taught Us About Automating Certificate Management…

QuSecure Named as 1 of the Top 28 Cybersecurity Firms of 2021 by CB Insights | QuSecure, Inc. (QuSecure), a leading provider of post-quantum cybersecurity solutions, has been named as 1 of the top 28 cybersecurity firms by CB Insights in their “Cyber Defenders 2021: The 28 companies defending businesses from next-gen cyber-attacks,” and Qusecure was chosen as one of only two companies for the prestigious Post-Quantum Cryptography category.  Source: QuSecure (businesswire).   QuSecure Named as 1 of the Top 28 Cybersecurity Firms of 2021 by CB Insights…

Verizon explores how Quantum Safe VPNs could protect today’s data from tomorrow’s hackers | Verizon is testing how a Quantum Safe Virtual Private Network (VPN) can enhance protection of data today in order to thwart hackers in the future. As quantum computers become more advanced, they will have the potential to break today’s public key encryption ciphers. Theoretically, hackers could capture data riding on networks today and store it until quantum computers have the power to break the encryption. It’s a little like stealing a bank safe today and holding on to it until someone discovers how to pick the lock. Verizon, and others, believe the key to safeguarding information will be a Quantum Safe VPN. This technology uses session key exchange security mechanisms or cryptographic ciphers that can provide a higher level of protection. Essentially, it’s a solution that enhances encryption methodologies today in order to make them even more difficult to hack tomorrow.  Source: Verizon NEWS CENTER.   Verizon explores how Quantum Safe VPNs could protect today’s data from tomorrow’s hackers…

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