Global Cybersecurity Community Feeling Most Significant Implications of Quantum Computing Arms Race

Why we need to solve our quantum security challenges


+  Last week, the industrial giant Honeywell announced that it has built the world’s fastest quantum computer, overtaking their main competitors IBM and Google in a technological arms race that has the potential to unlock trillions of dollars of value to the world’s economy.

[T]he community has to act now to ultimately ensure security and strategic advantage issues don’t become major barriers to fully realizing the potential transformative value of quantum technology.

+  Using lasers to target atoms suspended in absolute-zero temperatures, Honeywell took the world one step closer to a quantum future that will bring about major advances across industries including healthcare, computing, finance and mobility, but most notably security.

+  The most significant implications of this technological arms race are increasingly being felt by the global cybersecurity community. This is because quantum computing has the potential, if used maliciously, to break the systemically important cryptographic underpinnings of the infrastructure on which enterprises and the wider digital economy rely.

Source:  The European Sting.  Louise Axon, Sadie Creese, Jamie Saunders, William Dixon,  Why we need to solve our quantum security challenges…

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