Biometric Security Couples With Quantum Random Number Generation to Provide Fast Identity Online

SK Telecom unveils fingerprint recognition security key based on quantum random number generation

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+  South Korea’s top mobile carrier SK Telecom unveiled a fingerprint recognition security key based on quantum random number generation which is one of the most mature quantum technologies with many alternative generation methods. The security key called “EzQuant” can be in financial services, defense, online administration and smart offices.

SKT, IDQ, and Octaco would tap foreign markets including the United States and Singapore this year to spread FIDO biometric security keys. “We will globally expand a service model that requires strong security certification such as finance and defense,” SKT’s innovation suite head Ha Min-yong said in a statement on June 15.


+  SKT and its subsidiary ID Quantique (IDQ), a Geneva-based leader in quantum-safe cryptography, has tied up with Octaco, a biometric authentification startup in South Korea, to develop EzQuant that combined QRNG technology with a card-type fingerprint security key based on fast identity online (FIDO), a technology that performs personal authentication using biometric technology without ID or password in an online environment.

+  EzQuant supports near-field communication (NFC) functions. NFC is a set of communication protocols for communication between two electronic devices over a distance of four centimeters or less. The security key is available in all web authentication services that provide FIDO authentication services and Windows Hello, a biometrics-based technology that enables Windows 10 users to authenticate secure access to their devices, apps, online services and networks with just a fingerprint, iris scan or facial recognition.

Source:  Aju Business Daily.  Lim Chang-won,  SK Telecom unveils fingerprint recognition security key based on quantum random number generation…

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