The Shorts | 8/10/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

7 start-ups shaking up data and cybersecurity in the new normal | As the world becomes increasingly digital, these new players in cybersecurity and data-led intelligence are key start-ups to watch in 2021.  Source: siliconrepublic.   7 start-ups shaking up data and cybersecurity in the new normal…

Why it’s time to wake up to the quantum threat | Quantum computing is proving to be enormously exciting for financial institutions. Already, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Börse are exploring quantum algorithms to calculate risk model simulations 1,000 times faster than currently possible, while BBVA is looking to quantum to optimise investment portfolio management.   Source: Finextra.   Why it’s time to wake up to the quantum threat…

Chip with secure encryption will help in fight against hackers | A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has designed and commissioned the production of a computer chip that implements post-quantum cryptography very efficiently. Such chips could provide protection against future hacker attacks using quantum computers. The researchers also incorporated hardware Trojans in the chip in order to study methods for detecting this type of “malware from the chip factory.”  Source: Tech Xplore.   Chip with secure encryption will help in fight against hackers…

InfoSec Global Appoints John Harris as Chief Revenue Officer and Executive Vice President, Operations | InfoSec Global, the inventor and leader of Cryptographic Agility Management solutions, today [August 4, 2021] announced it has appointed John Harris as Chief Revenue Officer and Executive Vice President of Operations. Harris joined InfoSec Global’s executive management team on August 3rd, 2021, and reports directly to Nagy Moustafa, Co-founder and CEO. Harris will be responsible for driving revenue growth, developing go-to-market strategies, building out the global partner ecosystem and managing overall business operations.  Source: CISION.   InfoSec Global Appoints John Harris as Chief Revenue Officer and Executive Vice President, Operations…

A post-quantum chip with hardware trojans | A team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has designed and commissioned the production of a computer chip that implements post-quantum cryptography very efficiently. Such chips could provide protection against future hacker attacks using quantum computers. The researchers also incorporated hardware trojans in the chip in order to study methods for detecting this type of “malware from the chip factory”.  Source: TUM.   A post-quantum chip with hardware trojans…

Quantum Computers Are Coming, But How Do We Stay Safe? | Quantum computers aren’t some futuristic fantasy that you can couple with hoverboards and interstellar space travel, they’re being developed right now. Tech industry giants, including the likes of Google, Microsoft and IBM, believe quantum computing will become a reality in the next decade. In fact, it was only last year that a team of Chinese scientists developed the most powerful quantum computer in the world, capable of performing at least one task 100 trillion times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputers. Pretty impressive.   Source: TechBullion.   Quantum Computers Are Coming, But How Do We Stay Safe?

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