The Shorts | 8/31/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

Why cybersecurity is essential for future-proofing businesses in the Gulf | As the region’s businesses leap forward in their digital transformation, they should keep the threat of ransomware in mind and invest in cybersecurity infrastructure and resources, according to panellists at the inaugural AB Technology Forum on Wednesday.  Source: Arabian Business.   Why cybersecurity is essential for future-proofing businesses in the Gulf…

When is quantum attack relevant? | A question we are sometimes asked by people new to cryptography and quantum technology is: do I have to worry about quantum attack now?  Source: ARQIT.   When is quantum attack relevant?

Quantropi makes history by quantum-securely distributing true random numbers over vast distances using existing network infrastructure | Quantropi, Inc., a groundbreaking Canadian quantum security solutions provider, announced today the impressive results of a high-profile demonstration of its patented technology. A portion of the demonstration was enabled by CANARIE, the federal partner in Canada’s National Research and Education Network (NREN), and its Alberta partner in the NREN, Cybera. CANARIE’s participation in the demonstration leveraged existing network infrastructure to support Quantropi’s solution and the evolution of the Canadian quantum ecosystem.  Source: quntropi.   Quantropi makes history by quantum-securely distributing true random numbers over vast distances using existing network infrastructure…

How safe is a quantum-safe virtual private network? | Verizon said it is testing how a quantum-safe virtual private network (VPN) can enhance the protection of data now in order to thwart hackers in the future. As quantum computers become more advanced, they will have the potential to break today’s public key encryption ciphers.  Source: msn.   How safe is a quantum-safe virtual private network?

How quantum security generates randomness to shield IoT systems | How quantum security generates randomness to shield IoT systems  Source: T_HQ.   How quantum security generates randomness to shield IoT systems…

Harnessing Quantum Tech to Strengthen Internet Security | With today’s standard Internet, packets of data are sent via networks and reassembled at the other end. For added protection, those packets are almost always secured through encryption and public-key cryptography (PKC), which is where a shared key is distributed to the sender and receiver to encrypt the message or communication.  Source: DARKReading.   Harnessing Quantum Tech to Strengthen Internet Security…

Cybersecurity: solace of quantum | firing pulses of laser light from space sounds more of a job for a James Bond villain than for a law firm. Yet if all goes well this will be part of a package of technologies being put together by an international firm and a high-tech startup to put clients in control of their data – and protect them from an emerging global threat to the way that sensitive computer data is safeguarded today.   Source: Gazette.   Cybersecurity: solace of quantum…

Could Quantum Computing Ultimately Hurt Bitcoin? | Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are surging as of late – so much so that the $2 trillion valuation barrier has once again been breached. Not long ago, bitcoin rose back up over the $50,000 mark, and it looks like things are continuing in this bullish train, though BTC has fallen back a bit by about $2,000 at the time of writing.  Source: BITCOIN NEWS.   Could Quantum Computing Ultimately Hurt Bitcoin?

Crypto doomsday? New quantum computer poses ‘existential threat’ to Ethereum and Bitcoin | Quantum computers are developing at a fast pace and could soon be used to crack the digital wallets used in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. For cryptocurrency transactions to be processed with due diligence and authenticity, independent of a centralised authority, they rely upon cryptographic technology. However, it has been claimed the accelerating development of quantum computers could present an “existential threat” to the encrypted blockchains powering this nascent cryptocurrency financial revolution.  Source: EXPRESS.   Crypto doomsday? New quantum computer poses ‘existential threat’ to Ethereum and Bitcoin…

Arqit and Babcock sign collaboration agreement for government and defence market | Babcock International Group, the Aerospace, Defence and security company, has entered into a collaboration agreement with Arqit Limited (“Arqit”), a leader in quantum encryption technology. The agreement will see the two companies jointly test and experiment with a range of use case scenarios and practical applications for government and defence customers to demonstrate the encryption capabilities of Arqit’s QuantumCloud™ product. It will also see Babcock deepen its involvement in important areas of broader Quantum Technology development.  Source: babcock.   Arqit and Babcock sign collaboration agreement for government and defence market…

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