The Shorts | 10/12/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

XSOC CORP’s ‘XSOC Cryptosystem’ is Awarded FIPS 140-2 Certification | The XSOC Cryptosystem provides, developers and organizations now have access to one of the most effective data security tools ever developed and leads the data protection and encryption space based on its distinctive strength and speed characteristics. In addition, its small compact size and operational efficiency also classify it as “lightweight” encryption. This combination of strength, speed and “lightweight” efficiency make it the perfect choice for those looking for further leverage encryption in the environment or looking to upgrade or migrate to Quantum-Safe alternatives.  Source: businesswire.   XSOC CORP’s ‘XSOC Cryptosystem’ is Awarded FIPS 140-2 Certification…

Under Quantum Lock And Key | When it comes to securing privacy, you have to sometimes fight fire with fire. Currently, our online transactions and sensitive data are secured by public keys, which can be thought of as large numbers that are ‘unlocked’ by calculating their prime number factors.  Source: ASIANSCIENTIST.   Under Quantum Lock And Key…

Quantum computing could kill what blockchain stands for, but has a UK startup found a way to save it? | With global tech giants and startups aplenty racing towards a quantum future, quantum technology represents everything that’s great about innovation and progression. Being able to solve complex calculations tens of millions of times faster than current computers unlocks tantalising possibilities, from eradicating disease to more acutely understanding climate change.   Source: Maddyness.   Quantum computing could kill what blockchain stands for, but has a UK startup found a way to save it?

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Protecting Today from Tomorrow | The race is on worldwide between data privacy and those criminal and state-sponsored hackers wishing to extirpate the protection of secrets—personal, governmental, and industrial. The threat comes from an ability to crack today’s public-key encryption using future quantum computers.  Source: COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM.   Post-Quantum Cryptography: Protecting Today from Tomorrow…

Post-Quantum Cryptography | The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in partnership with the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has released a roadmap to help organizations protect their data and systems and to reduce risks  related to the advancement of quantum computing technology.  Source: Homeland security.   Post-Quantum Cryptography…

NSA Cyber Chief Spells Out Near-Term Priorities | Ensuring the U.S. has next-generation encryption necessary for the post-quantum era and reversing the recent increase in fallout from ransomware attacks are among National Security Agency cyber officials’ top areas of focus in the near-term.  Source: Nextgov.   NSA Cyber Chief Spells Out Near-Term Priorities…

DHS Issues Roadmap to Help Organizations Prepare for Quantum Computing Threat | The Department of Homeland Security partnered with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in releasing guidance entities should implement now to protect themselves from the looming potential threat of quantum computing.  Source: Nextgov.   DHS Issues Roadmap to Help Organizations Prepare for Quantum Computing Threat…

Cybersecurity Perspective In Quantum Computing | Along with the immense promise of quantum computing come the enhanced security threats too. This has opened up a whole new field known as post quantum security.  Source:   Cybersecurity Perspective In Quantum Computing…

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