The Shorts | 11/23/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

Securing information in the quantum era | Internet traffic has seen a staggering, albeit expected increase since the pandemic. Everything from online gaming, shopping, learning, banking, and streaming services, have all experienced an immense boost in consumption, as society has sought to survive and escape reality.  Source: CyberHive.   Securing information in the quantum era…

Quantum Xchange Collaborates with Thales to Enable Quantum-Safe Key Delivery Across Any Distance, Over Any Network Media | Quantum Xchange, delivering the future of encryption with its leading-edge key distribution platform has collaborated with Thales to offer immediate quantum-safe and crypto-agile key delivery capabilities. The resulting quantum-resistant network solution enables end-users to future-proof the security of their data and communications networks; overcome the vulnerabilities of present-day encryption techniques, e.g., keys and data traveling together; and protect against man-in-the-middle, harvesting, and future quantum attacks.   Source: QuantumXchange.   Quantum Xchange Collaborates with Thales to Enable Quantum-Safe Key Delivery Across Any Distance, Over Any Network Media…

Closer to a simple and efficient method of quantum encryption with quantum dots | A team at Hebrew University developed a system that uses fluorescent crystals. A laser beam shone at these quantum dots causes them to fluoresce and emit a stream of single photons.  Source: nanowerk.   Closer to a simple and efficient method of quantum encryption with quantum dots…

Moving closer to a simple and efficient method of quantum encryption | Quantum computers will revolutionize our computing lives. For some critical tasks they will be mind-bogglingly faster and use much less electricity than today’s computers. However, and here’s the bad news, these computers will be able to crack most of the encryption codes currently used to protect our data, leaving our bank and security information vulnerable to attacks. Currently, most computer security relies on mathematical manipulations that, at present, ensure a very high level of security—it would take a regular computer billions of years to break one of those codes. However, in our quantum future, new methods of encryption that rely on the laws of physics, rather than mathematical equations, will need to be developed.   Source: EurekAlert! .   Moving closer to a simple and efficient method of quantum encryption…

Quantum Computers May Spell Doom For Cryptocurrency; Will We Be Able To Buy GPUs Again? | Quantum computers are really, really bad at most of the things we use computers for, but they’re impossibly-superior at certain, select tasks. One of those tasks happens to be breaking encryption. That’s a concern for security agencies the world over, but it’s also a concern for people who are heavily invested in cryptocurrencies.  Source: HOTHARDWARE.   Quantum Computers May Spell Doom For Cryptocurrency; Will We Be Able To Buy GPUs Again?

Closer to a Simple and Efficient Method of Quantum Encryption | Quantum computers will revolutionize our computing lives. For some critical tasks, they will be mind-bogglingly faster and use much less electricity than today’s computers. This good news also has a downfall— these computers will be able to crack most of the encryption codes currently used to protect our data, leaving our bank and security information vulnerable to attacks. Currently, most computer security relies on mathematical manipulations that ensure a very high level of security—it would take a standard computer billions of years to break one of those codes. However, in our quantum future, new methods of encryption that rely on the laws of physics, rather than mathematical equations, will need to be developed.  Source: AFHU.   Closer to a Simple and Efficient Method of Quantum Encryption…

How to fix crypto’s quantum-computing security vulnerability | When exploring whether Bitcoin is vulnerable to quantum computing, the Bitcoin Foundation revealed, “Is Bitcoin vulnerable to quantum computing? Yes, most systems relying on cryptography in general are, including traditional banking systems. However, quantum computers don’t yet exist and probably won’t for a while. In the event that quantum computing could be an imminent threat to Bitcoin, the protocol could be upgraded to use post-quantum algorithms.”  Source: BUSINESS IT (Bit).   How to fix crypto’s quantum-computing security vulnerability…

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