Key Takeaways:
- Quantum Solace integrates Metalvisor TypeZero hypervisor, elevating hardware-level security for edge workloads beyond traditional data protection norms.
- AlphaBravo’s integration combines Metalvisor TypeZero with Quantinuum Origin, ensuring data encryption against current and quantum threats.
- Fornetix VaultCore® integration within Quantum Solace centralizes control, minimizing errors, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
AlphaBravo announced its key role as the Lead Integration Partner in developing Quantum Solace, a Quantum Protected Data Platform, in collaboration with Rancher Government Solutions (RGS), Mainsail, Fornetix, and Quantinuum. This marks a significant advancement in cybersecurity.
Quantum Solace features their Metalvisor TypeZero hypervisor, designed to secure edge workloads directly on hardware, combining virtualization benefits with bare-metal server performance.
AlphaBravo’s integration expertise has effectively secured data from cloud to edge.
Quantum Solace deploys quantum-hardened cryptography algorithms, ensuring resilient data encryption against classical and quantum computer attacks.
AlphaBravo’s expertise in system integration has been essential in combining Metalvisor’s features within Quantum Solace, enhancing defense against cyber threats and ensuring comprehensive data protection at rest, in transit, and in use, exceeding the NIST 800-207 standards for Zero Trust.
The fusion is seen enhancing defense against cyber threats and ensuring comprehensive data protection at rest, in transit, and in use, exceeding the NIST 800-207 standards for Zero Trust
A critical part of Quantum Solace’s encryption strategy integrates Quantinuum Origin, a top-tier cryptographic key generation platform based on verifiable quantum randomness.
This integration strengthens data encryption against both current and potential quantum-level threats.
Further, AlphaBravo has integrated Fornetix VaultCore®, streamlining data encryption management for enhanced security control, cost reduction, minimized errors, and regulatory compliance.
The collaboration among AlphaBravo, RGS, Mainsail, Fornetix, and Quantinuum lays new ground in data security and reducing the threatscape.
For more information about Quantum Solace and its features, visit