U. Michigan Making Quantum Nanostructures, New Operational Principles Come to Life

$1.8M to develop room temperature, controllable quantum nanomaterials The project could pave the way for compact quantum computing and communications as well as efficient UV lamps for sterilization and air purification. An effort to create quantum semiconductors that operate at room temperature has been awarded $1.8 million by the National Science Foundation. The success of […]

Enabling Universal Quantum Communication With Alien Civilizations (Seriously)

Interesting piece from the quantum communications perspective. It can be serious or comical depending on whether the title is kept in mind. With PsiQuantum as a contributor (PsiQuantum just reeled in $400M+) we must ask “Was it all from we Earth bounded beings or is their something extra-terre$trial contributing?” Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Perhaps […]

Superconducting Qubits and Microwave Photons: A Step to Long-Life Quantum Memory?

Piggy Bank Sky High

NUST MISIS Scientists Got Photons to Interact, Taking Step Towards Long-Living Quantum Memory An international research team, obtained experimental evidence for effective interaction between microwave photons via superconductive qubits for the first time. The study, published in npj Quantum Materials, may be a step towards the implementation of a long-living quantum memory and the development of […]

Is the U.S. 36 Corridor Poised to be a Quantum Hotbed?

Denver-Boulder Eyes Future As Quantum Computing’s Epicenter Read More… +  Colorado, specifically the Denver-Boulder area, is putting its stamp on the quantum realm. The area sports decades of research expertise, a pipeline of talent and a roster of ambitious companies aiming to make waves. It’s an industry concentration that could pay huge dividends for the […]

University of Copenhagen Researchers Strategize Entanglement Generation

The experimental demonstration of entanglement between mechanical and spin systems Read More… +  “About a decade ago, we proposed a way to generate entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and a spin oscillator via photons, using the principle that was later called ‘quantum mechanics free subspaces’ or ‘trajectories without quantum uncertainties,’” said Eugene S. Polzik, who […]

3 Approaches Toward Quantum Computing Reality

Hot Qubits and Goldilocks Ions Read More… +  Due to their sensitivity, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of qubits are required to produce low-error quantum set-ups that would revolutionize computing. Today, even the most sophisticated systems, such as Google’s Sycamore and IBM’s Raleigh, have just a few tens of qubits. +  Following are three […]

Further, Bigger, Disparate: Niehls Bohr Institute Scientists Entangle Big and Distant Object

Quantum entanglement realized between distant large objects A team of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have succeeded in entangling two very different quantum objects. The result has several potential applications in ultra-precise sensing and quantum communication and is now published in Nature Physics.   Light propagates through the atomic cloud shown in the center and then falls onto the SiN membrane shown on the left. As a result of interaction with light the precession of atomic spins and vibration […]